Arne Tauber
Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.Secure Applications, A-SIT
Arne joined IAIK in 2003. He is Secretary General of A-SIT and the director of the E-Government Innovation Center (EGIZ). Arne holds a PhD in Telecommunication and Informatics from Graz University of Technology and is currently working in the field of IT security supporting the Austrian eGovernment initiative. He manages the A-SIT team at IAIK.
Mobile-Only Solution for Server-Based Qualified Electronic Signatures
Theuermann K., Tauber A., Lenz T.
ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications
Flexible und benutzerfreundliche Authentifizierungsverfahren zur Umsetzung transaktionaler E-Government-Services auf mobilen Geräten
Theuermann K., Zefferer T., Lenz T., Tauber A.
Handbuch E-Government, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 1-30
Fortgeschrittene PDF Signaturen mit PAdES
Fitzek A., Maierhofer C., Tauber A., Zwattendorfer B.
eGovernment Review, 16-17
Secure single sign-on authentication using eIDs across public clouds
Zwattendorfer B., Tauber A.
International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, Vol. 5(4), 291-306