Seminar Cryptology and Privacy - Mathematical Foundations of Cryptography (WS 2021/22)
Table of Content
Mathematical Background of Cryptography This course aims at explaining the following mathematical concepts, which are important in modern-day cryptography: * Groups, Rings, Fields * Finite Fields * Gröbner Bases * Elliptic Curves * Discrete Logarithm * Lattices For a more detailed description please refer to the seminar`s webpage.Administrative Information
Previous Knowledge
Either IT-Security, Applied Cryptography, or Applied Cryptography 2. Note: AK IT-Security 1 is not a required prerequisite. AK-IT Security 1 and AK-IT Security 2 are independent.Prerequisites Curriculum
See position in the curriculumObjective
In this course, you will ... * ...understand the mathematical concepts behind modern cryptography. * ...have hands-on opportunity to implement this concepts. * ...get insight into selected topics of cryptographic research.Language
EnglishTeaching Method
Lectures on various topics and supplementary combination of presentations in class and exercises to be prepared by students.How to get a grade
Presentations of exercises and participation in classRegistration