IAIK-2FA | Studentnet Enrollment

How to enable 2FA

IAIK is enabling 2FA on all external services.
We have provided you with an initial TOTP via e-mail.

You need to complete 2FA enrollment, to retain access to your account. Once we switch to enforcement-mode, all login attempts with non-2FA enabled account are going to fail.

  1. Retrieve your initial TOTP using the email-address we send you the message to.
  2. Go to https://sso.iaik.tugraz.at/casa and login with your existing StudentNet credentials, provided by IAIK in combination with the initial TOTP from your e-mail.
  3. We recommend to enroll your own “backup”-TOTP and delete our initial provided TOTP from your account for security-reasons!

How to test 2FA login

  1. Just logout from https://sso.iaik.tugraz.at/casa, after enrolling additional 2FA methods.
  2. Re-login with your newly added 2FA method.